RV Advice

Must-Read Books for RVers | RVing Books

July 22, 2021

As much as we love RVing, it’s one of those things that doesn’t come naturally. You can’t just jump into shopping for an RV, buying an RV, prepping an RV for a trip, and driving your RV without learning a lot about this massive vehicle beforehand.

But once you do have that knowledge, the open road is all yours to conquer and enjoy the stunning splendor that nature has to offer.

So, in order to turn your daydreams of driving down the road behind the wheel of your beautiful RV, it’s a good idea to turn to some books to get the info you want and need.

There are many people who have come before you who are living and loving the RV lifestyle, and they have either written books themselves, or have studied them to gain the knowledge they have.

And guess what? So can you.

Here, the books that are must-reads for RVers to guarantee your RV Is everything you want, and more.

Top Books for RVers


1. Packing Light by Allison Fallon

This book serves a much different purpose than the above ones that teach you how to buy and maintain your RV. Instead, this one steps outside of the technical aspects of your RV, and teaches you how to enjoy life on the road with less.

We’ve all gone on road trips where we stuffed the car or RV full of things, only to unpack it when we returned home to find the majority of it was never used. In other words, we could all use a lesson in packing fewer physical items when we travel.

However, the sort of baggage that Fallon talks about in this memoir is not the type that fits into the trunk of your car — it is mental baggage. You’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who wasn’t carrying around some sort of baggage in their heads, and going on a road trip in your RV is an ideal time to throw some of that baggage out, and travel lighter.

This memoir takes you through Fallon’s journey across the country, and shares what she learns along the way.

Get it here.

Chincoteague KOA RV Site

2. Mobile Solar Power Made Easy! By William Errol Prowse IV

If you’ve been thinking about going solar with your RV, then this is the book you’ll need. Though the concept of turning your RV into a solar-powered vehicle seems complicated and overwhelming, this guide makes it easy for anyone to follow.

Rather than spending all of your time researching online and watching YouTube videos, keep this book as a reference, or you can even read it from cover to cover to soak up all the information at once.

The tips and tricks in this book will help you to save a great deal of money, and will not take the amount of time you’re likely fearing it will.

Get it here.

3. A Beginner’s Guide to Living in an RV: Everything I Wish I Knew Before Full-Time RVing Across America by Alyssa Padgett

The author of this book and her husband have been full-time RVing for over three years, so there is no doubt that they’ve got it mastered.

However, they didn’t start off as masters. And they ended up spending a great deal of time researching things on the internet. To save you the trouble and time of doing that, Padgett has put together this book that has all of your questions answered in one, handly, travel-sized place.

So, if you’re looking to take your RV lifestyle full-time this book is something you will definitely need.

Here are some of the top topics that Padgett covers in her book:

  • How much it costs to full-time RV
  • Best RV apps
  • Towing a car behind vs. not
  • Health insurance on the road
  • Tips to find internet on the road

Get it here.

4. 50 States, 5,000 Ideas: Where to Go, When to Go, What to See, What to Do by National Geographic and Joe Yogerst

With National Geographic behind this book, you know you are in for some serious visual treats. However, you’ll be surprised to also be treated to some great tips on where to go when on your RV trips.

Covering every one of the 50 states, this book shares the top places to visit in each one, from beaches to dude ranches, dinosaur trails to the best spot to find sea otters, and so much more. Co-auth Yogerst has traveled all over the world, and has won numerous awards for his books. Thus, it’s no surprise that this book is a hit.

Learn all the fun things about your country and pick your top places to experience on your own. As an added bonus, this book also includes information about Canada, so you can plan to adventure there as well.

Get it here.

5. The Joy is in the Journey: Camping Journal & RV Travel Log by Enchanted Willow

This book is a bit different from the others on our list — you won’t turn to this one to get help when your RV is struggling; you won’t turn to it to find the best place to watch the sunset; you won’t turn to it to learn how to make your RV more eco-friendly.

However, you will turn to it when you want to have a way to keep the memories of your travels all in one place. We all think we will remember what happens when we are traveling, but how quickly the little details fade. That won’t happen with this log book, designed specifically for RV travelers.

It includes a variety of things that will come in handy, including places to write:

  • Your routes
  • Where you went
  • What activities you partook in
  • Your mileage
  • The weather
  • Top restaurants
  • Trip highlights
  • Campsite information
  • Things for next time

Even if you don’t use every part of this travel log, you will be happy that you have it — you’ll look back on this info not only for planning your next trip, but also to relive some great memories.

Get it here.

6. Smart Travel Guide for the Lower 48 States: List of RV & National Parks, the Cost, the Amenities, What to See and Do in Each State by Ron Samson

Quite an undertaking by author Ron Samson, this guide shares all of the RV parks and national parks in every continental U.S. state, along with the amenities the offer and other vital information.

Not only does Samson share the detailed information about places to stay, he also shares information about what to see while you’re traveling through each state, as well as information about the state parks and what’s worth checking out in them.

As the author himself state, “It is a no-fluff guide with no storytelling . . . I stayed with the facts and information that I know is helpful to everyone that is looking to take a trip around our good ole’ USA.”

Sounds solid to us, and it has proven to be solid for a number of travelers who have turned to this guide for information.

Get it here.

7. Full-Time RV Finance by Julie and Sean Chickery

If you’re ready to join the RV life, but are worried about getting your finances in order, then this is the book for you.

Taking your life full-time on the road in an RV seems like it may be a difficult thing to achieve, but this book shows that it is not. The book provides actual steps that you can take towards achieving a successful life on the road, and includes key information such as:

  • How to create a budget
  • How to save up to buy your RV
  • How to earn money while traveling
  • How to keep costs to a minimum while travels
  • How to become more financially stable

Turn those hopes into reality with the help of the Chickerys, and start your full-time RV life today.

Get it here.

8. Secrets of RVing on Social Security: How to Enjoy the Motorhome and RV Lifestyle While Living on Your Social Security Income by Jerry Minchey

Ready to retire and make full-time RV living your new gig? This book is your guide to doing just that. With top tips from author Jerry Minchey, you’ll learn how to take your social security checks and turn them into your means of living in your RV so that you can enjoy the life you’ve worked so hard to reach.

According to the author, it is possible for people to add “to their savings while having the time of their lives living the RV lifestyle.”

Readers of this book rave about how this book also shares links to websites and videos that give additional information, and that it serves as the perfect starting place to structuring your RV life from your social security income.

So wait no more — with this book in hand you’ll be on the road to your life on the road.

Get it here.

9. RV Cooking: Best Road Trip Recipes for RV Living and Campsite Cooking by Louise Davidson

One of the most important parts about traveling in an RV is the food. At first glance into your RV, you may feel worried about how you’re going to cook up good meals with such a limited space and limited supplies. But worry no more, this book will show you how you can cook up fabulous meals in your RV that will be better than the ones you eat at home.

Included in this book you’ll find:

  • What equipment and utensils you’ll need for cooking
  • Food safety
  • Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, and dessert recipes of all kinds
  • And much more

This book encourages both cooking in your RV and over a fire, so you’ll gain some serious skills both in and out of the kitchen thanks to Davidson’s advice.

Each recipe in this book shows the ingredients you need, how long it will take to cook and prep each meal, how many people each meal serves, the actual process of cooking, as well as the nutritional information. This way, you can stay healthy on the road without sacrificing taste.

And, when you’re in need of more camping recipes, be sure to jump over to koa.com to check out every recipe you could ever imagine. Be sure to take a picture of what you cook up, and tag us in it!

Get it here.

Are you getting excited about your future RV adventures? We know we sure are! We can’t wait to see the information that you learn from all these books and the journeys that that knowledge takes you on.

Leslie K Hughes

Leslie, a.k.a. Copy Girl, is a copywriter who gets butterflies from telling stories through words.

Her voice comes from a place filled with passion, dreams, and lots of sugar. “Cake over steak” is her go-to motto.

With over 10 years of experience in crafting words, and years of embarking on travels that have taken this Montana girl to some incredible places, Leslie love the adventures of both body and mind her writing takes her on.

Everywhere she goes, she takes this advice with her:

“Hold on to your divine blush, your innate rosy magic, or end up brown.” – Tom Robbins, Jitterbug Perfume

To see what Leslie’s up to in the writing world, visit her website here.

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