These not-so-obvious camping tips are sure to make any camping trip even better.
Camping tips are very easy to find on the internet. It seems that just about everyone has some secret camping tips that they aren’t actually too concerned about keeping secret. After all, helping other campers by sharing some tips they may not know is the mark of a helpful and kind camper. It isn’t as if keeping secret camping tips is going to make your camping trip any better.
What’s really useful are tips for camping that may not be obvious or readily known by the majority of people. These tips are generally developed through time and experience. Here are 10 secret camping tips to get you started, but it won’t be long before you have a list of your own secret tips to share with others too!
1) Tired of your paper plate collapsing when loaded down with a big helping of camping grub? Make sure to pack a Frisbee or two. Not only are they a great way to get some exercise and have fun while camping, but they also make the perfect paper plate support system. It will feel like eating off a sturdy dish without that annoying cleanup that using a real plate brings.
2) Make your tent’s sleeping surface more comfortable with cheap foam pads (you know the ones I’m talking about…the colorful squares that are often used in a kid’s playroom) or a yoga/exercise mat placed underneath your sleeping bag. These items are affordable, don’t take up much room, and make the entire floor of your tent much more comfortable for both walking and sleeping.
3) A headlamp strapped around a gallon jug filled with water (pointed in) will provide ambient light in your tent. Perfect for reading or writing before turning in for the night.
4) Fill an empty egg carton with charcoal briquettes if you are planning on grilling while camping. When you are ready to grill, simply put the carton in the bottom of the grill and light it on fire. You will be ready to grill in no time.
5) If you want to spend some time star gazing, choosing the right camping location is important. You will obviously want a campsite as far away from city lights and pollution as possible. Plan your trip during a new moon if you can (when the moon isn’t visible at all) and try to star gaze when humidity is low. The drier the air, the more easily starlight can be seen.
6) Don’t forget the spices! A little bit of seasoning and spice can go a long way towards sprucing up food cooked while camping. Store some of your favorite spices in small jars or even empty plastic candy containers (Tic Tac, anyone?). Avoid Ziploc bags, as the spices will clog the closures. Some favorites include garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, oregano, and pepper.
7) If you want to enjoy some cheese on your camping trip, stick to hard cheeses such as Swiss and Gouda. Hard cheeses will keep at room temperature much longer than their softer cousins, like cheddar.
8) A crumpled up ball of aluminum foil makes a great scrubbing tool for any dirty pots and pans.
9) If you want to enjoy pancakes around the campfire, mix up a batch of pancake mix before you leave. Use shortening and dried milk, which do not need to be refrigerated. You can even buy powdered egg if you wish, so all you have to do is add water before cooking everything up!
10) Never forget the duct tape and first aid kit. Both will inevitably come in handy, and they tend to be things that many campers forget.

These 10 secret camping tips are certainly just the tip of the iceberg, but they should still help you improve your camping skills for you next stay at KOA. Do you have any secret camping tips you’d like to share? Visit us on Facebook to share!