General Campground Information

2025 Online Reservation Are NOW Open

Our 2025 season is from Friday-April 18th to Sunday-October 19th. These Campground Policies, Guidelines, and General Information were carefully considered to ensure all our guests have the same expectations about their stay with us.

Campground Cancellation Policy

Erie KOA Holiday - Our Campground Specific Cancellation and Early Check-out Policy

All Reservations that the Guest Choose to Use the Non-Refundable "KOA Select My Site" Feature:
All canceled reservations that the guest chooses to use the non-refundable "KOA Select My Site" feature will also not be refunded the $20 "KOA Select My Site" administration fee. VIPs will also not be refunded the "KOA Select My Site" administration fee, as it is optional to use the "KOA Site My Site" feature and is non-refundable to all guests.

RV & Tent Sites -  Cancellation Deadlines:
a) If canceled 7 days prior to 4:00 pm EST of your arrival date, your deposit minus a $20 administration cancellation fee will be refunded. 
b) If canceled after the 7th day 4:00 pm EST deadline, the entire deposit will be forfeited.
c) Please see holiday cancellation policy and named special event policy for cancellation policies for reservations during those stays.

Deluxe Cabin & Camping Cabin - Cancellation Deadlines:
a) If canceled 14 days prior to 4:00 pm  EST of your arrival date, your deposit minus a $20 administration cancellation fee will be refunded.
b) If canceled after the 14th day 4:00 pm EST deadline, the entire deposit is forfeited.
c) Please see holiday cancellation policy and named special event cancellation policies for reservations during those stays.

RV & Tent Sites - Holiday Cancellation Deadlines:
a) If canceled 7 days prior to 1:00 pm EST of your arrival date, your deposit minus a $50 administration cancellation fee will be refunded.
b) If canceled after the 7th day 1:00 pm EST deadline, the entire deposit will be forfeited.

Deluxe Cabin & Camping Cabin - Holiday Cancellation Deadlines:
a) If canceled 30 days prior to 1:00 pm EST of your arrival date, you deposit minus a $50 administration cancellation fee will be refunded.
b) If canceled after the 30th day 1:00 pm EST deadline, the entire deposit is forfeited.

Cancellation Details Including Early Check-out & Monification to Original Reservation:
a) No refunds for early Departures.
b) No refunds are given due to the discomforts of nature, including no-shows, and early departures.
c) No refunds are given on or after the arrival date.
d) All modifications to reservations must be made prior to the cancellation deadline.
e) Modifications that are made to the arrival date that are after the deadline are considered as a canceled reservation and will result in forfeiture of the full deposit.
f) Reservations made after these deadlines require nonrefundable deposits.
g) Cancellation made after the deadlines will result in forfeiture of the full deposit.
h) Refunds will be processed using the original credit/debit card, with no excpections.

KOA Select My Site

This is a feature that gives the guest the ability to pick and reserve a specific site #. This option can be done online at and on the KOA app through your electronic devices. This feature also provides guests who are camping/traveling together the opportunity to have multiple sites together and lock in the sites that they prefer, and it will be guaranteed. There is a one-time $20 non-refundable administration fee per site to lock it in. VIPs are also subject to this administration fee, as it is optional to use the "KOA Select My Site" feature and is non-refundable to all guests. This fee will be added to the payment screen at check-out if it is used.

The "KOA Select My Site" is not available on one-night reservations.

If you are using this option and a site # you would like to reserve isn't available in the drop-down list, there is a chance that it may still be available. You can request it in the reservation—special request the site # you would like to lock in and give us your permission to charge the $20 non-refundable lock fee. If the site is available or becomes available, we'll lock it in for you. 

As always, if the guest chooses not to use this feature, they are still guaranteed the specific site type they reserved or is comparable to, just not a certain site #, and they may not be next to their group. The campground reserves the right, without notice, to change site #s within the site type that was chosen or to a site group that is comparable to it. Final site #s will be assigned at check-in and are subject to change at any time until then. We will do our best to accommodate your site requests that are entered in the special request; however, using "KOA Select My Site" will be the only way to guarantee it.

Blog on how to use the KOA Select My Site.

KOA National Pet Policy

Some visitors enjoy sharing the pleasures of camping with their pets. To ensure that all guests have a safe and enjoyable experience, KOA has established some guidelines. 

Before You Go:
Call ahead. Check with the campground about its' specific pet policies. Some don't allow pets in Cabins, for example, or may have limited pet units. Others don't accept particular breeds that insurance providers have identified as having history or aggression.

When You Arrive:

  • Good behavior is required. Dogs of any breed that are hostile or aggressive will be asked to leave the campground, along with their owners.
  • Use a leash while on the campground. Dogs must be kept on leashes no longer than 6 feet when outside their owners' vehicles or rental units. Do not leave a tethered dog unattended. 
  • Remember manners. Constant barking bothers other campers. If your pet is too vocal, you may be asked to leave.

Our Campground Pet Exclusions

Pit Bulls - also known as - American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Bulldog, and the American Bully or any mixed breed with Pit Bulls of any sort are not permitted on the campground property.

Store Hours (in season)

Sunday - Thursday: 9 am to 11 am and 1 pm to 6 pm
Friday & Saturday: 9 am to 7 pm
Due to staffing shortages, store may be closed periodically to assist guests.

Pool Season

Our Pool opens on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend and will be closed on the Monday of Labor Day weekend.

Pool Hours

10:30 am EST- 8:00 pm EST


There is to be no smoking and no pets on the playground. For everyone's safety, the playground closes at dusk.

Water Wars - The Ultimate Water Balloon Game

Water Wars is the ultimate water balloon game with the Depth Charger, an explosion of water when you hit your opponent's target! There are no size, age or physical restrictions; even grandparents enjoy playing with their grandchildren. We also added the Downpour Derby which you're sure to get wet, don't forget your swimsuits! These activities are open the same dates and times as the swimming pool. Parents must accompany their children during the use of the Water Wars games and water balloons must be purchased at the camp store, outside balloons are not permitted.

Firewood and Campfire Policy

Please help preserve the beauty of our campground. Outside firewood is not permitted into the campground property. Bringing outside firewood into the campground transports bugs and tree-borne diseases that kill our trees. This includes pallet wood and/or used lumber since bugs can also be transported into the campground if brought from other counties; and/or may contain nails and staples which are hazardous to vehicle tires.

We sell, for your convenience, prepackage kiln-dried USDA certified firewood at the camp store and we will deliver it to your site. Please see your campground flier for more information and how to purchase firewood after-hours.

Campfires are to be kept small and within the campfire ring. Do not move campfire rings. Campfires must be attended to at all times and completely extinguished with water when retiring for the evening. Absolutely no burning of garbage, paper, cans, glass, etc.

Gathering dead logs, downed wood, and/or cutting tree branches from the campground is prohibited. Please be respectful of our property and our neighbor's property.

Quiet Hours Policy

Quiet hours are from 11:00 pm to 8:00 am EST and are STRICTLY enforced for everyone's enjoyment. As a courtesy to your camping neighbor, please turn off your music/electronic devices and keep conversations to your site. Please respect the peace and quiet enjoyment of other campers and to the owner, operator, or agent. If we need to remind you and you are disrespectful to the security staff, you may have to depart immediately without refund. 

If you're intoxicated, we will call you an Uber, at your expense, to take you to the nearest motel/hotel of your choosing. You then can make arrangements to pick up your RV and vehicle by the 11 am EST check-out time the next day.

In the state of Pennsylvania, your reservation is a license for use and can be revoked at any time for not following the posted policies and rules.

Pennsylvania Statute §1311

Pennsylvania Statute §1311 Hotelkeepers & Campground Owners (Title 48)
A complete copy of the Pennsylvania Statute §1311 Hotelkeepers & Campground Owners (Title 48) is posted at the front desk and online at website - Pennsylvania General Assembly.

Staffing Shortages

Our Pancake Breakfast and Ice Cream Social are suspended at this time due to staffing shortages.

EV/Hybrid Vehicles

We are working hard to be able to accommodate both electric and hybrid vehicles. At this time, our electrical system does not support the ability to charge electric vehicles. There are 2 Tesla charging stations about 8 - 10 miles away:
  • 2225 Downs Dr, Erie, PA 16509
  • 55 Brent Ave, Erie, PA 16509

Plugging your EV/Hybrid vehicles into any of our electrical pedestals or any type of our electrical system is NOT permitted as it can cause major damage to either our equipment or your vehicle. Guest is responsible for all damages done by not following this posted policy.

Minimum Age

The minimum age to reserve/rent a site or cabin is 21 years old. For individuals aged 18-20, you must be accompanied by parent or legal guardian. you are not permitted to reserve/rent a site or cabin under any circumstances. Cancellation policy is effective on all reservations and it's your responsibility to know the policies before making reservations. Deposit will be forfeited if you're under 21 years of age and you do not cancel prior to the cancellation deadline. All persons under the reservations are subject to show proper I.D. at time of check-in. Individuals may be turned away if they are under the age of 21 and are not with their parent or legal guardian.

One Camping Unit Per Site

Erie KOA allows ONE camping unit per site ONLY! This includes ONE TENT per tent site and tents are not allowed on RV or Cabin sites under any circumstances.


Hammocks are not permitted without prior approval from management and are not permitted as an additional sleeping unit on reserved sites.

RV, Cabin, and Tent Reservations

Each RV, Cabin, or Tent reservation is for 2 adults, 2 children, and 1 vehicle. There is a $5 fee per day for each additional vehicle over the 1 vehicle per site. Additional vehicles are subject to availability as we have limited overflow parking. If the extra vehicle is a boat, trailer, or over-sized vehicle, it will require a site reservation of its own. For guests/visitors over 2 adults and 2 children there is an additional fee regardless of the length of stay. The fee is per day - $5 per vehicle, $8 per adult, and $3 per child on standard reservations (holiday/special event rates may vary). Please see the visitor policy below as you are responsible for making sure your visitors are registered while the camp store is open.

Erie KOA reserves the right without notice to change site #s within the site type that was chosen or to a site group that is comparable to. Reservation that used the "KOA Select My Site" are the only guaranteed sites.

Cabin reservations have a $30 key deposit that is charged at the time of reservation and $100 damage fee deposit that is charged at the time of check-in.

  • Key deposit will be credited back when the key is returned at check-out.
  • The damage fee deposit will be returned after the cabin has been inspected and if no damage has been found.
    1. There may be additional damage fees as there is minimum of $200 damage fee if cabin has been smoked in, vaped in, or the use of cannabis has been detected; or if we find that there have been pets in the deluxe cabin where they are not permitted. 
    2. Guests are responsible for all repairs of any damage caused by themselves or their visitors.

Check-in and Check-out Times

Check-in RV and Tent sites: 1 pm EST
Check-in on all Cabins: 3 pm EST
Check-out is no later than 11 am EST on all RV, Tent, and Cabin sites

We do not allow early check-in or late departures. You must call ahead to obtain approval for special circumstances. Due to liability, campground is restricted to checked-in guests and early access is not permitted or staying after the 11 am check-out. We have limited staff, between 11 am and 1 pm and we are prepping the site/campground for the next day's guests. It is imperative that guests are mindful of our policy for everyone's benefit. For everyone's safety, please wait until your check-in time before entering the campground property, as our drive gets backed up with RV and Tent registrations at their 1 pm check-in time.

Visitor Policy

The use of the campground is for registered guests only. Visitors are required to register and pay the appropriate fees prior to entering the campground. Registered guests are responsible for their visitors and may be asked to leave without refund if their visitors are not registered prior to entering the campground. If you know you're having visitors and they will be arriving after the camp store closes, you are responsible for registering them beforehand. Otherwise, they are not permitted into the campground, as all visitors must be registered before entering the property. We have the right to refuse additional vehicles and visitors at any time. Unregistered vehicles are subject to being towed at the owner's expense if they do not display the proper vehicle pass.

Fees are per day regardless on the length of their stay:

  • Visitor passes are $8 per adult per/day, $3 per child per/day, and additional vehicle passes are $5 per day (holiday/special event rates may vary). Visitors must park in overflow parking, which is limited parking and based on a first come first served basis, with registered guests having first priority. Your reservation is for 1 RV and 1 vehicle only, we do not allow guests/visitors to park on or drive over the grass under any circumstances.
  • All visitors must leave the campground prior to 10pm EST, no exceptions. The registered guest is responsible for making sure their visitors leave by this time.
  • Unregistered visitors will be considered as trespassing and will be asked to leave immediately, along with the guest they are visiting.
  • It's the responsibility of the registered guest that their visitors are aware of all the campground policies/rules and that they abide by them.
  • ALL vehicles must obtain a parking pass prior to entering the campground, no exceptions. If you have someone picking you up or dropping you off for the day, they will need to meet you in the front of the camp store. Uber drivers and Doordash drivers will also need to meet you at the front of the camp store. This is to ensure the safety of all our guests.

Cannabis/Marijuana is NOT Permitted in the Campground

The use of Cannabis/Marijuana (medical or otherwise illegal in the state of Pennsylvania) is NOT permitted in the campground. We understand that there may be a medical need, but we ask that you use it off the campground premises. We are a family campground and find it is inappropriate for young children to be exposed to it. Any guest that is found using it on the campground property will be asked to leave immediately without a refund. If you do not have a safe ride off the campground property, we'll call you an Uber/Taxi/etc. at your expense, to drive you to the nearest hotel of your choosing and you can make arrangements to pick up your belongings in the morning. All guests that are asked to leave and do not comply immediately, are considered to be trespassing and will be escorted off the property by the authorities.

Golf Carts and Motorized Vehicles/Scooters

Golf carts and motorized vehicles/scooters are not permitted in the campground other than for those individuals that have a valid handicap placard and show proof of insurance that has at least a $1 million liability policy. These vehicles must be checked in at the office prior to use on the campground to ensure they have proper coverage. Golf carts and vehicles/scooters can also only be used by those individuals that were issued the handicap placard.

Mail Services and Deliveries

There is no mail service on the property, please make alternate arrangements. If packages or mail are delivered to the campground, we are not responsible for loss, theft, or damage. You will need to make pickup arrangements with the delivery service if packages are delivered after your stay with us.

Propane and the Dump Station are for Onsite Guests Only

Due to staffing shortages, propane sales and the use of the dump station are for onsite guests only. Propane must be purchased during camp store posted hours.

Extended Stays Over 2-Weeks

All reservations staying more than 2-weeks require a 20% nonrefundable deposit and may require additional deposit if the reservation is during a holiday. Reservations made online will not include the full deposit required to secure the reservation, please contact us to make the full deposit. Guests staying for an extended period must keep their site in the same manner as a standard reservation. Guests must be able to pack up all their belongs and move within 30 minutes, if needed. Guests staying for an extended period must also follow the same rules as all other guests or may be asked to leave without a refund if they need to be reminded of them. All our reservations are subject to daily rates and there are no additional discounts for extended stays.

Seasonal/Permanent Sites

We do not offer Seasonal/Permanent sites. All our reservations are subject to daily rates and there are no additional discounts for extended stays.

Guidelines for the Safety and Enjoyment for All Guests

  • Registration is for 2 adults and 2 children, ONE camping (sleeping) unit & ONE vehicle. All additional guests/visitors/vehicles require a per day additional fee regardless of length of stay. A maximum of 6 people per site is permitted, with tent sites being a maximum of 2 adults and 4 children or 1 adult and 5 children. Please see fees under visitor policy.
  • Speed Limit is 5 MPH
  • Parking Passes must be properly displayed at all times by all registered campers and visitors. This is strictly enforced by security staff and license plate numbers must be on file with the office. Unregistered vehicles are subject to being towed at the owner's expense if they do not display the proper vehicle pass. For guests checking in after-hours, please visit the store/office first thing in the morning to obtain your vehicle pass. Please make sure to include your license plate number on your night registration form before depositing it into the night registration drop box.
  • Parking of vehicles is parallel on site, on site's graveled area or it will need to go to the overflow parking lot. Overflow parking lot is first come first served basis and requires a parking pass at an additional fee. Extra vehicles, such as boats/trailers, require prior approval to reservation and are at management's discretion. Such vehicles may require an additional camping site, as overflow parking is very limited. Such vehicles over 20 ft. in length will require an additional site reservation. All guest visitors are to park in the overflow parking lot, as your reservation is for 1 RV and 1 vehicle only. We do not allow any vehicles to park on and/or drive over the grass to fit additional vehicles on their site.
  • Swimming Pool - WARNING: No Lifeguard on duty. Children under 16 must be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian; a 16-year-old is not a substitute for a parent or legal guardian. Food, alcohol, and glass containers are not allowed in the swimming pool area. Please observe and follow all posted swimming pool rules. 
  • Campground Facilities: The pool and all other campground facilities are for registered guests only. Checked-out guests are no longer permitted to use the pool or any other campground facilities after their allotted 11 am EST check-out time. An additional day's charge will be charged to the credit card on file for their extended stay.
  • Recreational motorized or electric vehicles are not permitted except for the legally disabled. Licensed drivers only and must show proof of adequate liability insurance, please see above for more details. Please see the office when arriving with such vehicles.
  • Fireworks, sparklers, ignitables, firearms, or drones are not permitted on any part of the campground at any time. Violators will be asked to leave without a refund.
  • Bicycles on the road ONLY and must observe the 5 MPH speed limit. PA law requires all children 12 and under to wear a helmet while riding a bicycle. No bike riding after dusk. Bicycles must be parked in bike racks, not on roads, playgrounds, or on the grass.
  • Pond - No wading or swimming. Dogs are not allowed in the pond. There are large snapping turtles in and around the pond that can cause injury. Night fishing is permitted, but fishermen must observe the quiet hours and make sure they are not flashing their flashlights at or near other camper's sites.
  • Utility sinks only to be used for the washing of dishes and laundry. Washing dogs is not permitted under any circumstances.
  • No Sitting On, Standing On, or Jumping Over Fences - Our fences are to separate and/or to enclose areas to keep campers/children safe; they were not built for people to sit or stand on them. 

At the Campground, continued.

  • Pets - Good behavior is required. Dogs of any breed that are hostile or aggressive will be asked to leave the campground, along with their owners. Pets must be registered and kept on a leash no longer than 6'. Do not leave a tethered dog unattended. Pets cannot be left unattended on any part of the campground, including the cabins, and are not allowed in buildings, pavilion, swimming pool area, or the playground. Invisible fences are not acceptable under any circumstances. Portable fences are only acceptable if you are always with your dog. If you go inside or leave your site, you must take your dog with you, it is not to be left unattended at any time or under any circumstance. Your dog must always show visible control outside of your camper. Owners must clean up after their pets IMMEDIATELY or you may be asked to leave without a refund. Remember manners. Constant barking bothers other campers. If your pet is too vocal, you will need to find other accommodations. The KOA National policy is observed at our campground, and a copy is available for review in the store. Pets are also not allowed to swim in the pond; as they must be on a leash at ALL times and it is not safe for them due to snapping turtles, fishing hooks, and fishing lines. We love pets and these rules must be observed for everyone's enjoyment and safety.
  • Photography - During your stay with KOA, we may have a photographer capturing camper images and video for use in various marketing materials for Kampgrounds of America, Inc. and for this campground. You hereby consent that all photographs, video footage or voice recording taken of you, your family or guest may be used by Kampgrounds of America, Inc.

At Your Site

  • Quiet Hours are 11 pm EST to 8 am EST and are STRICTLY enforced. Please see more details under "General Campground Information - Quiet Hours Policy" and "Pennsylvania Statute §1311".
  • Campfires are to be kept small and within the fire ring only. Do not move your campfire rings. No downed wood can be collected, no part of any trees can be cut down. Please respect our property. Outside firewood is not permitted on the campground property - see more details under "General Campground Information - Firewood and Campfire Policy".
  • A Tent is permitted on tent sites ONLY. Otherwise, removal will be required. Only floor-less dining tents or gazebos may be erected.
  • Vehicles and RVs - You are permitted one RV and one vehicle per assigned site. Vehicles and RVs that do not fit completely on the gravel of your site must be parked in the overflow parking area. Please do not park on the grass, drive over the grass, park on other sites, or park on the road. For visitor vehicles, please see more detail under "Visitor Policy".
  • Clotheslines must be under 6 ft. in length and must be taken down when not in use. They may also not be tied to trees or other campground property.
  • Mats or carpets are not permitted on grass, only on the gravel areas.
  • Overnight Use of Lights (Other Than Porch Lights) - With the growing number of RVs with bright LED lights, it is becoming a growing complaint of bright lights shining into neighboring campsites. As a consideration to other campers, please turn off your outside lights when retiring for the night.
  • Washing your RV or car at the campground is not permitted.
  • Garbage is collected daily by 11 am EST at your site. Dumpsters in the overflow parking lot are available for your garbage. Please wait until morning as we have raccoons and other critters that will get into it in the overnight hours. Please help us recycle your aluminum cans, clean acceptable plastics, and cardboard. Unfortunately, our local recycler does not allow glass to be recycled.

Specific to Cabin Reservations

  • Smoking and/or Vaping in All Cabins is NOT Permitted - There will be a minimum of $200 damage fee charged if there is evidence of the use in the cabins. This is especially the case in the use of Cannabis/Marijuana. Damages may include the cost of the reservation after you, if we are unable to honor the next reservation because we are unable to get the odor out by the time of their check-in.
  • Pets are NOT Permitted in Deluxe Cabins or on the Site of the Deluxe Cabins - There will be a minimum of $200 damage fee charged if there is evidence of pets in the Deluxe Cabins. Damages may include the cost of the reservation after you, if we are unable to clean all the pet hair, odor, or dander from the cabin in time of the next check-in and if we are unable to honor their reservation.


If campers or their guests do not follow the rules, they may be asked to leave a without refund. We reserve the right to refuse service to any person or group. Please remember these rules are in place for the safety and enjoyment of all our guests. It's your responsibility that all guests, children, and/or visitors understand these rules and policies. Your reservation is a license for use and can be revoked at any time, without a refund, if these rules or policies are not followed.

All campers and their guests are liable for the damage they cause to any of the campground property.

The management of Erie KOA is not responsible for damage, injury or loss of accident, theft, or fire to either the property or person of a camper or their guests.