Kamp Green Certification Earned

Kamp Green Certification Earned

(April 5, 2024) The month of April is an exciting time to watch the earth come alive after winter.  Trees and flowers bloom, birds sing their praises in the warmth of the sun, and the smell of the thawing ground speaks to our souls offering comfort and encouragement from our Creator. The month of April has also been a time where the world celebrates Earth Day (April 22), and encourages each of us to find ways to better care for the environment.

During this month, as we officially open for the start of the 2024 camping season, we are pleased to announce that we have achieved Kamp Green Certification from Kampgrounds of America, Inc.  The principles of the Kamp Green program help ensure that KOA owners are operating responsibly and working to preserve camping for future generations. 

We have achieved this certification by implementing several environmentally-friendly measures such as: installing LED lighting throughout our park; conserving water by adding water-free urinals, low-flow toilets and hand dryers in the restrooms, upgraded energy-efficient HVAC units and/or tankless water heaters, using biodegradable containers in our Campfire Café, purchase of high-end composite furniture made from recycled materials for use on our deluxe patio sites, intentional reuse of organic material throughout our landscaping such as wood chips from our annual tree maintenance and soil from our leaves compost pile, and maintaining a recycling program available for our guests to reduce paper, glass, metal, aluminum and plastic waste from going into landfills.

We do this not out of fear of some kind of imminent calamity, but because as stewards of creation, it’s the right thing to do. In the words of President Theodore Roosevelt, who sought to bring balance to the nation’s use of our natural resources and is credited as being the first president to protect wild life and public lands, “There is a delight in the hardy life of the open. There are no words that can tell the hidden spirit of the wilderness that can reveal its mystery, its melancholy and its charm. The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased and not impaired in value. Conservation means development as much as it does protection.”

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