Timeless Family Fun

Timeless Family Fun

Below are a few of our favorite tips and ideas on how to have a memorable camping trip.

Play Games at Your Camp Site

Gather your family or group around your camp site and play these fun games.

-Sleeping Bag Races – Much like potato sack race, use your sleeping bags to hop around the perimeter of the camp site to a finish line. Add levels to make the games last longer; spin in a circle five times before running, eat 10 cookies before running, etc. If you are worried about dirt, use a trash bag on the bottoms.

-Chubby Bunny – Have extra marshmallows from your s’mores? Have each person put one in their mouth and say “Chubby Bunny.” Keep putting marshmallows in your mouth until you can’t say the name anymore. Whoever can hold the most mallows wins.

-Camping Alphabet Hunt – Working together as a family, try to name one object in the campground for each letter of the alphabet. 

Create Your Own Adventure

Sometimes the best adventures are the most unexpected!

-Nature Scavenger Hunt - Using items found on the campground like acorns, pinecones, river rock, etc. give each person or team a set amount of time to find as many as possible.

-Bicycle Journey – Take a ride through the campground and/or adjacent trails to discover new things. Play I SPY while riding to keep everyone engaged.

-Build a Fairy House – Using materials found near your campground, build a house fit for a fairy (or troll). See who is the most creative.

Enjoy the Night

The fun doesn’t stop when the sun goes down.

Glow Stick Ring Toss – Give each player 5 glow sticks. Dig a stick into the ground so that it is standing straight up. Take turns trying to ring your glow sticks around the stick.

Star Gaze – Take turns making stories out of the figures you find in the stars. Or download the Amateur Astronomy app and learn more about the night sky.

Good Ol’ Campfire Stories – Remember these? Think of the scariest or silliest campfire story from your childhood and retell it to your family or friends.

Chow Down

The best food is camping food!

Crazy S’mores – Pack a selection of s’more ingredients, or pick some up at the Kamp Store and challenge your group to make the best tasting and most interesting s’more. Share your pics with us on Facebook!

Food and Drinks – Order your favorite meal from the campground snack bar or grab a coffee from the cart and enjoy your day without having to clean up the mess. 

Cook Over Your Campfire – Try a new recipe or grill up your favorites over your campfire.

Making your way out to enjoy the great outdoors means so much more now than ever before. Creating memories with your friends and families over the campfire is easy, just try a few of these ideas. Of course, nothing beats relaxing with your favorite drink, playing cards with your family and soaking in the great outdoors at your favorite campground.

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