Angola / Hogback Lake KOA Holiday Events

Campground Events

Back to School Science Weekend Photo

Back to School Science Weekend

Join Professor Dan for some great science. Stargazing, slime, and Rockets!

Book Your Stay

Friday night community campfire
10am Craft  Slime and Air Blast Rockets
1245 Bingo
2PM Air Rocket Competition
3P Cornhole registration Couples Tournament
4PM Bags Fly

10PM Golf Cart Parade
11PM Quiet Hours

Hogback Lakes 2nd Annual Fall Ball Photo

Hogback Lakes 2nd Annual Fall Ball

Join us as we celebrate our campers and slow down with a campground semi formal event. Get all dressed up as we bring in a DJ and Disco ball. Just like prom. Watch out for the spiked punch!

Book Your Stay

8PM Community Campfire

10AM Craft
1245 Bingo
3PM Cornhole
7PM Hogback Lakes 2nd Ever Semi Formal Fall Ball. Get Dressed up and look your best for your fellow campers!
11PM Quiet Hours.