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French Words to Know When Visiting Quebec City

French Words to Know When Visiting Quebec City

Quebec is a city in Canada well renowned for its French culture. Many of the locals here speak French — with French actually being their first language. English is still spoken, and there are areas that are popular with English-speaking tourists, but knowing some French can transform your travel experience.

Common French Phrases to Know When Visiting Quebec

Even though French is the primary language in Quebec, you should be able to get around just fine even if you do not know a great deal. However, in addition to the locals taking great pride in their beautiful language, the laws in the city also greatly limit the use of English. This means it's very likely you will come across signs that are only written in French when you are sightseeing or shopping. 

Taking a little extra time to learn more about the language will help you gain a much broader perspective of the city and culture — as well as connect easier with the locals.

General French Phrases 

Ready to expand your vocabulary? Here are a few words and basic French sayings to learn before your trip:

  • Hello: Bonjour
  • Yes: Oui
  • No: Non
  • Goodbye: Au revoir
  • I'm sorry: Excusez-moi, s’il vous plaît.
  • Thank you: Merci
  • Do you speak English?: Parlez vous anglais?
  • My name is: Je m’appelle
  • How are you?: Comment allez-vous?
  • Where is the restroom?: Où sont les toilettes?
  • How much is it?: C’est combien?
  • I come from…: Je viens de …
  • I don’t speak French: Je ne parle pas français
  • Where is?: Où est...?
  • Can you help me?: Peux-tu m’aider?
  • I don’t understand: Je ne comprends pas
  • What?: Quoi?
  • What is it?: Qu’est-ce que c’est
  • Pleased to meet you: Enchanté
  • You’re welcome: Bienvenue

Phrases Unique to Quebec 

  • Guichet: Local term for “ATMs”
  • Dejeuner: Breakfast
  • Diner: Lunch
  • Souper: Dinner
  • 5-à-7: Happy hour
  • Terrace: Patio
  • Kay-Bec: For Quebec

Study French in Quebec City

Another way to learn helpful French phrases and gain a much deeper and broader understanding of the language is to join an exchange program or hosting program in the city. When you study French in Quebec, you will be able to fully immerse yourself in French culture. 

Being around French Canadians and engaging with French lessons, activities and work experiences make it easier to learn the language firsthand. Choosing to stay with a French-speaking family will also let you fully immerse yourself in the language and culture and grow your knowledge. 

Start Planning Your Quebec Vacation 

Now that you know some essential French phrases for travel, it is time to start planning your vacation. At Quebec City KOA Holiday, you will be able to choose from several different camping and lodging options while enjoying amenities like our pet-friendly KampK9® dog park area, pool and children's park.

With convenient access to Quebec City, you can easily take advantage of everything this unforgettable city has to offer — plus, our campground owners speak both French and English, making it easier than ever to plan your getaway! Give us a call at 800-562-3644 to get started or book your stay online.

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