General Campground Information

Fireworks Policy

Absolutely no fireworks or sparklers are permitted on property.

Pool Hours & Rules

We really enjoy our pool during the warmth of the summer months and we hope you will too! We do not have a lifeguard on duty, so any child under the age of 16 - please have them accompanied by an adult. We do not run around or dive into the pool, to avoid accidents that might hamper the mood. The pool opens at 10:00 am MTN time and usually closes at dusk, but we have been known to be talked into keeping it open to enjoy the bright evening stars and chorus sounds of the outdoors! As long as we are able, we like to accommodate. The only other rule is no glass around the pool and make sure your cellular devices are away from the edge of the pool or out of your pocket before getting in!

Please Note that the Pool OPENS on Memorial Day Weekend and CLOSES at the END of September.

Reservations, Cancellations and Refund Policies

CANCELLATIONS:  If you need to cancel your reservation, call the campground before the deadlines listed below to receive a deposit refund, minus a $20.00 cancellation fee. Reservations booked within the cancellation window are not eligible for a refund if canceled.  All cancellations must be made via the phone, We are unable to accept cancellations by email.

RV and Tent Sites: You must notify us by 4pm, at least 7 days prior to your arrival.  Cancellations made after the above deadlines will result in forfeiture of all deposits
Basic / Rustic Cabins: You must notify us by 4pm, at least 14 days prior to your arrival. Cancellations made after the above deadlines will result in forfeiture of all deposits.
Deluxe Cabins: You must notify us by 4pm, at least 14 days prior to your arrival. Cancellations made after the above deadlines will result in forfeiture of all deposits. 
Groups & Holidays: You must notify us by 4pm, at least 14 days prior to your arrival. Cancellations made after the above deadlines will result in forfeiture of all deposits. (Annual Special events we observe Pioneer Days, Air Show  & Peach Days)
Refunds and Early Departures:  There will be no refunds for early departures or Same day Cancellations

• No refunds are given due to the discomforts of nature, including no-shows and early checkouts.
• No refunds are given on or after the arrival date.
• Refunds will be processed using the original credit/debit card, with no exceptions.
• The cancellation policy may be amended during a Regional/National travel disruption.

Store & Office Hours

Summer Hours (Memorial Day thru Labor Day):
Sunday - Thursday 8am-7pm 
Friday & Saturday 8am-8:30pm

Fall & Winter Hours (October thru February):
Sunday-  CLOSED
Monday - Saturday 9am-5pm
Closed on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day & New Years Day

Spring Hours (March thru Memorial Day):
Sunday - Thursday 9am-6pm
Friday & Saturday 8am-7pm

Quiet Hours

Lots of travelers come in tired and road weary and like to get a peaceful nights rest and maybe sleep in, so we do have quiet time from 10:00 pm - 7:00 am - Please be considerate of your fellow campers. We want you to enjoy your stay, but we do ask you to be considerate and keep the noise down while other campers start to wind down for the night. Please do not walk through occupied campsites, stay on the roads or walkways.

Although, you may be awoken by a melody of bird songs in the morning!


If you missed us Don't Worry, Night Registration is available use the Box located next to the office door.  If you have a reservation Look inside the Box for your Packet of Information that will guide you to your site.

No Reservation, No Problem use the Box located next to the office door, Please fill out the envelope completely & place the proper amount of money required for your site selection in/on the envelope. There is a Map of the Park posted with our nightly rates listed to coordinate with the map

Visitor & Guest Policy

Visitors are welcome to come and visit you at your site. Please meet your guests/visitors upon their arrival at the office and register them before going to your site.  There is a charge of $8 per Adult & $5 per Child.  All visitors must have a parking pass visibly displayed in their car. All guests should be off the campground by sundown.

We ask that Visitors Do Not bring any pets. We Thank you in advance for following our guidelines!


Check-In time for all RV Sites, Tents and Cabins is 2:00 pm.
Check-Out time for all RV Sites, Tents and Cabins is by 11:00 am.
Late check-out is not available for cabins. (Note: we are Mountain Standard Time) 

If you think you will arrive before the 2pm check in time, Give us a call so we can try to accommodate you. Please note that Early Check in's will be charged a Small Fee at time of Arrival (The earlier the arrival the higher the fee).

We ask for consideration in observing this policy, as we like to prepare each site for our guests, and that's you!


Please park vehicles only on the gravel on your assigned site. Sites which appear to be vacant may have a reservation and should not be used as parking. If additional parking is needed, check with our office regarding parking areas.
All Visitors must obtain a parking pass from the Front Desk, our Staff will advise on the best place to park.

Pet Policies

We know we love traveling with our Furry Friends so don't feel you have to leave your loyal companion at home, but we do ask that you abide by the following rules: 
Dobermans, Rottweilers, Pit Bulls or any mixture of those breeds are not allowed.  Any pet(s) that exhibit hostile or aggressive behavior are not allowed.  Pets must be on a 6' leash at all times when outside and you must clean up after them. When you leave the campground, pets must not be left unattended outside. Pets that continually bark, day or night, are not permitted.  All pets must have current vaccinations and wear their proper tags. We reserve the right to limit the number, size or breed of pets. Rustic Cabin Pet Policy:  We allow pets in our cabins for a small one-time fee. Pets may not be left unattended in the cabin(s) at any time.  Deluxe Cabin, Two-Room Cabin & Couples Cabin Policy: No Pets allowed.

Campfire Policy

We sell firewood for your campfire and will even deliver it to your site, so we ask that no firewood from outside our local area be brought in for burning. In special cases, if we are not allowed to have fires due to a "Burn Ban," we will post on our site or let you know at check in. However, we have had a great season of bon fires and welcome the laughter, s'mores making and ghost stories!

We provide Fire rings for all Deluxe Patio Sites and Deluxe Cabins. Fire rings are available upon request for all other sites & accommodations.  We also have a large fire pit in our common area for our large groups that you may reserve for your own private bon fire!

Smoking & Vaping

We take great pride in our Park being a safe and healthy place to vacation. Smoking and Vaping is not permitted in any of our cabins, our store or pavilion or any other building on the property. We also ask that you do not smoke around any door entrances or exits. Smoking is only permitted in areas where others are not being affected.

Meet Your Hosts

James & Kristan Settlemire

One who Lives, Sees Much.... One who Travels, Sees More!

We hope you have a GREAT stay at Brigham City / Perry South KOA