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The information below was provided by The Brattleboro Outing Club.
The 2024 Paddling Schedule features 14 trips on local reservoirs, lakes, ponds & rivers in, and around the Brattleboro area. The Northern most outing is Grafton Pond, Grafton, NH. On the East is Spoonwood Pond, Hancock, NH (a place motorboats can’t access). The Southernmost water is Tully Lake, Royalston, MA, and in the West is Somerset Reservoir, Northwest of Wilmington, VT. Lots of water to paddle, in that big circle.
BOC trips are FREE, and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC; just show up at the time & place noted, with a boat/board, and all the safety gear (and lunch) necessary for a day’s outing. Life jackets (PFDs) are required. Please note the recommended gear list at click on SUMMER PADDLING/BRING.
Descriptions of all ‘flat water’ trips can be found in the AMC Quiet Water books for VT/NH and MA/CT/RI; both 3rd Ed. River trips are shown on the CT River Paddlers’ Trail Maps, 2nd Ed. Meeting locations provide a place to car & boat pool.
The BOC sponsored camping trip this year will be Saturday evening, September 7th, in Wilgus State Park, along the CT River, near Mt Ascutney. Instructions are in the Paddling Schedule for that date. Camping is also available at/near 6 of our paddling locations: Spoonwood Pond, Tully Lake, Grafton Pond, Somerset Reservoir, and at/near, both CT River locations. Paddlers wanting to include camping in their outing are advised to plan early. Reservations are required in most locations. CT River camping is first come, first served, and locations are identified on the CT River Paddlers’ Trail Map, 2nd Ed.
The COMPLETE SCHEDULE is as follows: (all times are ‘AM’)
April 27th, Saturday- CT River, Hinsdale Setbacks, NH…meet at 9:30, Walmart’s parking lot (Rte 119), Hinsdale, NH. (songbirds, waterfowl, raptors, beavers, turtles, picnic lunch on an island, etc)(See…BRING)
April 28th, Sunday- Same trip as the day before, and same meeting location & time. (See…BRING)
May 4th, Saturday- McDaniels Marsh, Springfield, NH…meet at 8:30 in the South end of Hannaford parking lot, Putney Rd, Brattleboro. If coming from the North, meet at the marsh, at 10. (songbirds, waterfowl, beavers, turtles, otter, moose, etc)(See…BRING)
May 19th, Sunday- CT River: Hoyt’s Landing, down river, to Herrick’s Cove, VT…meet at 8:30, South end of Hannaford parking lot, Putney Rd, Brattleboro. If coming from the North, meet at Hoyt’s Landing, off Rt 12; Exit 7, I-91, at 9:15. This trip will be one-way, down stream, and will require spotting cars at the end, at Herrick’s Cove. We’ll visit coves, marshes, wetlands & at least one bald eagle’s nest. (songbirds, waterfowl, raptors, beavers, etc)(See…BRING)
May 29th, Wednesday- Tully Lake, East Branch of the Tully River & Long Pond, Royalston, MA…meet at 9, in the Walmart parking lot (Rte 119), Hinsdale, NH.
If you’re camping, or coming from the South, call (413) 824- 6613 to coordinate link-up. We will enter the Tully River, off Hill Rd. (songbirds, waterfowl, beavers, turtles, etc)(See…BRING)
June 19th, Wednesday- Grafton Pond, Grafton, NH…meet at 8:30, in the South end of Hannaford parking lot, Putney Rd, Brattleboro. If coming from the North, meet at the pond, at 10. (songbirds, waterfowl, beavers, etc) (See…BRING)
June 22nd, Saturday- Harriman Reservoir, Sunrise Paddle & Potluck Breakfast, Wilmington, VT…meet at 5:30, Royal Diner, Marlboro Rd (Rte9), West Brattleboro, VT (or at the Coffee House, Wilmington (Jct of Rtes 9West & 100South) at 6). (songbirds, waterfowl, raptors, beavers, beaches & a quiet lake, etc)(See…BRING)
June 30th, Sunday- Spoonwood Pond, Hancock & Nelson, NH…meet at 8:30, South end of Hannaford parking lot, Putney Rd, Brattleboro (or at the boat ramp into Nubanusit Lake, on Kings Highway, off NH Rte 12, at 10). (songbirds, waterfowl, raptors, etc)(See…BRING)
July 3rd, Wednesday- Somerset Reservoir, Somerset, VT…meet at 8:30, Coffee House, Wilmington, VT (Jct of Rtes 9West & 100 South), or in the CAR-TOP launch area, at the very end of the access road, at 9:30. This is a large body of water, requiring long distance paddling & subject to strong wind and big waves; NOT a trip for small boats. Paddlers with small boats can safely paddle the South end near the Dam. (songbirds, waterfowl, raptors, beaver, otter, moose, bear, beaches, etc)(See… BRING)
August 28th, Wednesday- Lowell Lake, Londonderry, VT…meet at 9, at West River Provisions, (old Jamaica Country Store), Jamaica, VT, on Rte 30. Lowell Lake State Park includes most of the shoreline, and several islands. (songbirds, waterfowl, raptors, beavers, etc)(See…BRING)
September 7th & 8th, Saturday & Sunday- 2 day, 2 night, paddle & camp trip along the CT River (Sat) and North Hartland Lake (Sun). This can also be two days of paddling, with over-nights on your own, or ‘day’ paddles…either, or both days.
SATURDAY, Day 1…meet in the parking lot of Wilgus State Park, entrance station, at 8:30. Wilgus SP is located on Rt 5, south of Ascutney, VT (Exit 8, I-91). This is a good day for a plastic kayak or strong canoe. If the river is low, there are a number of shallow, rocky spots we’ll have to run, carry or walk. Campers are encouraged to come early, so they can leave gear at the BOC campsite before we carpool north to the put-in at Sumner Falls/Hartland Rapids. The BOC site is also available the night before (Friday, Sept 6th) in case campers want to get an early start on a fun weekend. From the ‘Falls’, we’ll paddle DOWNSTREAM, back to Wilgus SP, with stops along the way to swim, snack, sun, and a few surprises: (hint)…bring money, in case you’d rather buy your lunch at a ‘cool’ place along the river. When we arrive back at Wilgus, we’ll drive back up to the put-in for the cars we left behind.
SUNDAY, DAY 2…meet in the Wilgus SP parking lot at 9:30 to carpool over to North Hartland Lake, for a paddle trip up into the Eastern end of the Quechee Gorge, with its sandy beaches, and rock ledges. A great place to have lunch & swim. Campers will need to pack-up, and out, before we meet at 9:30.
If using the BOC campsite, advance reservations are required, and are first come/first served; there is a limit to the number of campers on any one site. The cost is $15 per person, per night. To register, send a check in the amount due, to “BOC, C/O PO Box 6294, Brattleboro, VT 05302”. Checks should be made out to: “BOC”, with “PADDLING” on the MEMO line. Checks arriving after the site is full, will be returned. In the event a paddler has to cancel, the amount paid will continue to be used to pay for the site. Site location, and other information, will be sent to campers who make the cut-off. Some may choose to have their own sites, while others may use Motels or B&Bs nearby. Questions? [email protected] (See…BRING)
September 18th, Wednesday- Somerset Reservoir, Somerset, VT…meet at 8:30, Coffee House, Wilmington, VT (Jct of Rtes 9West & 100South) or in the CAR-TOP launch area, at the very end of the access road, at 9:30. This is a large body of water, requiring long distance paddling & subject to strong wind and big waves; NOT a trip for small boats. Paddlers with small boats can safely paddle the area near the dam.
(songbirds, waterfowl, raptors, beaver, otter, moose, bear, etc)(See…BRING)
October 9th, Wednesday- Leader’s Choice (wherever the colors are peak)…Meet at 9, south end Hannaford parking lot, Putney Rd, Brattleboro, VT. (Fall foliage, waterfowl, beavers, etc)(See…BRING)
The Annual BOC CONSIGNMENT SALE & SWAP of small human & wind-powered watercraft and related gear will be held on Saturday, May 11th, from NOON to 2 pm. The location is still uncertain.
Boats will be accepted on Friday, May 10th, from Noon to 2pm & 5pm -7pm. On Saturday, May 11th, boats will be accepted beginning at 8am, until 11:30am. The SWAP will be 11:30am – 12. The SALE starts at NOON.
This is a consignment sale to fund the BOC Summer Paddling Program, which is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Boat owners set the price, and BOC Paddling receives 10% of the eventual selling price. When 2 or more prospective buyers want the same boat, an ‘auction’ will decide the eventual buyer. Donations are accepted and appreciated. Only ‘serviceable’ craft will be allowed; no ‘project’ boats.
FMI: <[email protected]>
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