Time to Hygge

Time to Hygge

Hygge: Danish word meaning a comfortable or cozy feeling; a feeling of wellness.

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The Hygge Life. Comfortable, cozy, relaxed. Reconnecting with some of your favorite things that bring the cozy feels. Think home. And happiness.

Hygge is a concept that's been gaining momentum in the states for the past couple of years. And cozy is what it's all about. Reconnecting with the things that recharge your battery. This winter, make some time every day to do some of the things you enjoy the most. 

What are the first things on this list you're going to start with?

Day 1: Take a walk in the woods. Find and photograph an animal’s house.

Day 2: Go snow camping. Rent a cabin in the woods for extra cozy feels.

Day 3: Curl up with a great book. Use your favorite passage or quote for a journal entry.

Day 4: Cozy up with a comfy blanket and watch a favorite movie.

Day 5: Return to the great outdoors and collect some grasses or leaves and glue them to a blank card.

Day 6: Use your handmade nature card for a hand written letter to a friend.

Day 7: Put your screens away for the evening and play a game, solve a puzzle, call a friend.

Day 8: Call a family member that you haven’t talked to for awhile.

Day 9: Bundle up and go stargazing with a friend or family member. Find your favorite constellation.

Day 10: Try out a new cookie recipe. Eat the cookies.

Day 11: Make a gingerbread house or gingerbread people cookies. They are not just for Christmas.

Day 12: Make or buy a set of affirmation cards. Do one each day.

Day 13: Take up a new hobby. Origami. Herb gardening. Weight-lifting. Crocheting.

Day 14: Make your favorite drink. Add something new to it, something you've never tried before!

Day 15: Start a gratitude journal. Keep it simple. It should make you smile.

Day 16: Put up some white twinkle lights in your living room or dining room. These also are not just for Christmas.

Day 17: Buy or find a simple flower and put it in your favorite vase.

Day 18: Listen to music while you’re cooking dinner or doing a household chore.

Day 19: Lazy Saturday morning: sleep in, stay in your pj’s, watch cartoons with your coffee.

Day 20: Add soft lighting to a room in your house. A himalayan salt lamp, an uplight, or a color changing light bulb.

Day 21: Wash your windows, inside and out.

Day 22: Make a yummy dinner and freeze a portion for later. Give that to a friend.

Day 23: Take a long cozy bath with bubbles or a bath bomb, scented candles, music, and a glass of wine.

Day 24: Take a walk in the woods. Stop. Close your eyes. Count how many sounds you hear.

Day 25: Clean out your linen closet. Donate blankets to an animal shelter.

Day 26: Buy a set of gorgeous, soft, wool socks. Give a pair to a friend.

Day 27: Add more greenery to your home. Learn how to keep them alive.

Day 28: Make a blanket fort with fairy lights.

Day 29: Buy a gorgeous puzzle and spend an afternoon putting it together.

Day 30: Turn on your favorite music and have a dance party.

Day 31: Get a coloring book and a new pack of crayons and color.

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