General Campground Information

EV Charging

Use of EV Charging is not allowed presently at our campground.  We are looking into having this in the future.  Thank you.

Select My Site

We have always taken requests but have never been able to guarantee sites... which many people would like.  So we have included a Select My Site fee of $20/reservation which guarantees the site you choose. We will still attempt to meet your request to be next to friends/family or in the sites you prefer, but if a site guarantee fee has not been paid you may be shifted to another site reservation to accommodate everyone. If you pay the fee you will not be moved from the site you request

Check-In / Check-out Times

Check-In: 2:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Friday & Saturday)
Check-In: 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM (Sunday - Thursday)
Check-out: 11:00 AM

RV & Tent Sites:
Check-In: 2:00 PM
Check-Out: 12:00 PM

Mail & Packages

Our campground DOESN'T ACCEPT any mail and/or package delivery.  You will need to get a PO Box in the area.  If it is a medical issue (medicine and/or devices) please let us know and we will work something out.  Anyone who has Amazon or any other mail delivered here without our consent will be RETURNED!!!  This is not a residence address, but a business.  Thank you.

We Are Pet Friendly!

We welcome guests who are traveling with their 4-legged friends. To ensure every guest has an enjoyable experience, thank you for following our Pet Rules:
  • Aggressive pets of any breed will not be allowed in the campground. Any pet showing aggression or guarding behaviors must be removed from the property.
  • Pets must be leashed at all times (no longer than 6'), except for designated off-leash area (such as KampK9).
  • Pets must immediately be picked up after. Waste bags are provided in the office and in the KampK9 area. REPEAT OFFENDERS WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE!!  This includes KampK9 area!!
  • We do allow pets in RV and Cabin sites, but not in Couple's Camper.
  • Pets are not to be left alone, either outside or in the camper or Cabins.
  • If owners are not able to control their pet's barking (day or night), they must remove the pet from the property.
  • For health and safety reasons, pets are not allowed in buildings.
  • Limit 2 dogs. For additional dogs, please inquire at time of reservation. Additional charges may apply.
  • Service dogs of all breeds are welcome at our KOA Campground. However, these animals must follow leash restraint policies and may not exhibit aggressive behavior.

Please Note: New York state law requires all pets to be up-to-date on their shots. A copy of the rabies certificate/ vaccines should be available at time of check in for all pets.

Photo Policy

Entrance onto the campground property constitutes permission for the management of Natural Bridge KOA to photograph and video our guests and visitors while on the premises, and to use any resulting pictures for any lawful purpose without compensation to the individual or family.  If special circumstances demand a waiver of this policy for you or your family, please contact the office at 315-644-4098 before your stay and we will make the appropriate accommodations.

Firewood Policy

Firewood is sold for your convenience through the kampstore with free site delivery. For safety and environmental protection, only firewood is allowed to be burned at the camp sites. Burning garbage, pallets, construction material, oversized logs (and the like) are not allowed.

Help Us Protect Adirondack Trees. Moving firewood transports tree-killing insects. Please leave your firewood at home, and BUY IT WHERE YOU BURN IT. The forest will thank you!
To protect our natural resources, please follow state regulations:

  • Do not bring firewood with you when you travel.
  • Purchase locally what you need for your stay.
  • Burn all firewood in your campsite fire rings. Never leave the fire unattended.
  • Leave any extra firewood for the next camper. Never transport firewood home.
  • Spread the word with family & friends.

Safety & Enjoyment

For the safety and enjoyment of all guests, we do not permit the following:
  • Fireworks, Sparklers, Snap Poppers.
  • Guns of any kind (includes BB & paintball) or bows/arrows.
  • Laser pointers or other extreme light devices.
  • Accessing playground or riding bikes after nightfall.
  • Any actions damaging trees/bushes, sites or other campground property.
  • Moving fire rings around the site.

Speed Limit

We are a small campground and share foot, paw and bicycle traffic with vehicles on our main roadways. Please drive carefully and consciously. Our max speed in the park is 5 MPH.

Early/Late Arrival

Thanks to some great input from our guests, we have adjusted our arrival/departure times to better meet travel schedules.
2pm - Check-in for Cabins, RV & Tent sites
11am - Check-out for Cabins & Couples Camper
12pm - Check-out for RV & Tent sites

We understand early arrival or late departure exceptions are sometimes needed. Let us know and we'll do our very best to make the space available for your camping enjoyment. The fee schedule is $10 per hour early/late, unless waived for special circumstances. Thank you for helping us provide consistent and thoughtful service to all our camping guests.
As a courtesy, if you will be arriving after store hours (listed on our website) can you please call with ETA of your arrival.  ESPECIALLY for the accommodation sites (Cabins and couples camper) since we have to escort and show you these sites.  For ACCOMMODATIONS (camper and cabins--please try to arrive before 9pm on Friday/Saturday and 7pm Sunday-Thursday!!!!  Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Pool Hours & Policy

Our pool is open each day during the season from 9 am - 7 pm.  Adults only swim is open 12 - 1 pm. Our pool is heated to 80 degrees: warm enough for all ages to enjoy and cool enough to provide a refreshing dip.
Please join us in following state safety guidelines:
  • NEVER SWIM ALONE. A minimum of two adults (18 years of age or older) must be present whenever the pool is in use, with at least one adult remaining on the pool deck when there are children in the pool!!!
  • Children under 17 years of age must be accompanied to the bathing facility by a parent or guardian (an adult who is responsible for the children and their behavior).
  • Only use this facility during posted hours of operation.
  • Don't drink alcohol and swim.
  • For everyone's safety, enjoy the pool without jumping, running or rough play.
  • Please read and follow all posted signs.

Only campground guests and registered visitors are authorized to use the swimming facilities. At registration, all guests are invited to read and initial receipt of the mandatory brochure Use of Our Swimming Facilities.

Campground Hours - Office, Kamp Store, Quiet Times

Office & Kamp Store
  • 10am-5pm (Sun-Thu)
  • 10am-5pm (Fri-Sat and Holiday Extended Weekends)

Quiet Hours are 10pm - 8am. We work hard to deliver an amazing experience for each of our guests. While some campers like to stay up late, others like to get up early. Please be courteous to your neighbors and observe the quiet times. A few tips: turn down music, keep voices low, control slamming doors, shield excess lighting. Thank you for being mindful of others during your stay.

Additional Vehicles

All Vehicles must have a car pass visible at all times. RV sites are sized for 1 recreational vehicle (Trailer or Motorhome) and a tow vehicle. Any extra vehicles that do not fit on the site pad will be charged $10/vehicle/day.  Vehicle owners must check in with the office upon arrival, and park in the designated visitor/overflow parking area.

Additional Overnight Guests

Our sites are permitted and rated for 1 four-person family (up to 2 adults). There is a small charge ($20/adult & $16/child and children under the age of 3 are Free) for each added guest, with a maximum of 6 persons (3 adults) on any RV site/Tent site. No additional persons are available for the Camping Cabins. Couples Camper is rated for 2 adults only.

Day Visitors

Camping guests may invite day visitors during their stay, limited based on daily campground maximum persons. Please contact the office to reserve your visitor's spot. Day visitors are welcome between 9 am and the start of quiet hours. All visitors must register at the office upon arrival. An adult member of your camper's family must be at the campground the entire time your visitor is at the campground and is responsible for your visitor's actions during their stay. Visitors are asked to park in the designated visitor parking and to please LEAVE their pets at home. Fee Schedule: $10/adult/day; $8/child/day and children under the age of 3 are Free.

Golf Carts & ATVs

Golf Carts and other driving off-road motorized vehicles (ATV/Dirt Bikes/Mopeds) is prohibited in the campground but can be towed in and left connected during your stay.

WiFi Service

We have free WiFi at every site in the campground.

Trash & Recycling

We believe in celebrating the great outdoors, and part of that celebration means taking good care of it. In addition to creating more sustainable ways to operate, using environmentally safe maintenance/cleaners and choosing greener options on future projects, we are avid recyclers! Please bring your recycled items (bottles/cans/plastic, and separated cardboard) to our Recycling Center located next to our dumpster. All other household waste can be bagged and placed inside the dumpster.

Minimum Stay / Cancellation

For RV sites and accommodations, we have a 3-night minimum stay for Holiday Weekends.
We follow the KOA Cancellation Policy with the following exceptions:
Due to reservation lead time and campsite availability, we are unable to offer refunds on Holiday Weekends & Long-term stays.
No refunds on Select My Site ($20), so total cancellation fee is $40 for Select My Site ($20 cancellation fee plus $20 Select My Site).
NO REFUNDS on early departures/inclement weather.
EFFECTIVE 10/1/24:  

If you are unable to honor your reservations, call and cancel prior to these deadlines:  RV/Tent sites - 7 days; Cabins - require 14 days; Couples Camper - requires 14 days
Reservations made and canceled within these timelines have a non-refundable deposit. There is a $20 cancellation fee on any reservations.
KOA Rewards VIPS If the guest does not cancel ahead of the cancellation guidelines, they are treated as any other guest and will forfeit their deposit.

Personal Code of Conduct

Please refrain from inappropriate language and actions with respect to race, religion, sexual origin, and politics. Alcohol is permitted by legal drinking age adults. Illegal drugs are strictly prohibited. The presence of any controversial language, actions, visuals, or symbols that are widely deemed offensive or inappropriate (i.e. confederate flag, swastika, racial slurs, etc.) will not be permitted on our property.

Please reference KOA policy:

A Few Words From Our Legal Team

Anyone using these facilities must do so with the understanding that the campground is provided as a ­recreational facility only, and it may not be used as a primary residence. If you are asked to leave for any reason by the ­management of the campground, you must do so immediately or you accept that you will be treated as a trespasser by the appropriate local authorities. Camping has inherent risks associated with outside activities. We are not ­responsible for injuries or damages occurring as part of the inherent risks of any camping environment. All campers must maintain insurance; your units are not covered by the campground's insurance. If you purposely violate campground policy, rules or direction from management, you will be asked to leave and no refunds issued. Campground policy and rules can be updated and posted at any time.

Meet Your Hosts

Donna & Karl Silvia

"This destination campground is not your typical Journey; and if you're looking for Tranquility and Fun - you've come to the right place!!"

We, Donna and Karl, are so happy that we are fulfilling our dream of owning our own campground!!  A lot of our friends thought we were crazy when we sold our house and moved into our camper to venture out looking for a campground to purchase.  It was a major decision to just go for it, do it now or our dream would NEVER happen.  It was scary but well worth it.  We Love camping and have been to several KOA campgrounds.  Entertaining people and enjoying time spent with family and friends is like second nature to both of us.  Karl loves to cook, whether it be burgers and dogs or smoking some good BBQ.  Donna loves activities with games and arts/crafts very much geared for children. She also has some crazy idea of doing paint & wine night for the ladies. Our goal is to continue the reputation of the park with fun activities for all and maintain the tranquility the park has.  We look forward to making our campers have the best camping experience!