RV Fun Facts!

RV Fun Facts!
  1. The average camper travels 190 miles to go camping.
  2. RV ownership has increased almost 60% since 1980.
  3. The average RV owner spends from 28 to 35 days per year using their RV.
  4. There are over 16,000 public and private places to camp for RVers in America.
  5. There are over 42,000 people employed by recreational vehicle dealers nationwide.
  6. RV owners, on average, put about 4,500 miles on their RV each year.
  7. Over 40 million Americans go camping sometime during the course of a year.
  8. Almost 40% of RVers have children under the age of 18 living at home.
  9. Almost half of all campers choose a state park to camp in.
  10. The average RV owner is 48 years old.
  11. There are almost 9 million families owning an RV.
  12. A recent survey found that for a family of four, traveling by RV on vacation can save them 23 to 59 percent on their vacation cost.

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