General Campground Information

Tarps, Tents, Shade Structures, Other Structures

Tarps, Tents, Shade Structures, Other Structures: Tents and “easy-up”-type structures are for temporary use only, limited to seven days. • Manager can approve more substantial, semi-permanent shade structures, in accordance with the individual property guidelines. • Only form-fitting bike/car covers are allowed. Carports are prohibited. • Please do not use a tarp to cover any part of your RV or campsite. • Exterior furnishings should be appropriate for outdoor/camping use. Indoor furnishings including, but not limited to, sofas, chairs, refrigerators, freezers and kitchen tables are not allowed on your campsite. • Fencing is limited to 48” in height and may be utilized only in the area under the rig awning. • Flags and signs that display the Confederate flag, politicians, political candidates or contain vulgarity or profanity are not allowed to be displayed at your site or throughout the campground/resort. Customers in violation of this policy will be asked to remove their flag/sign and if they refuse to do so, will be asked to vacate the property.


RV & TENT SITES: Check in is at 1:00 PM. COTTAGES:  Check in is at 3:00 PM.
Check out is 11:00 am.  Please arrive before 10 PM.


The night registration folders are located in front of the office if you arrive after the office closes.

PROPANE SALES(Temporary Unavailable)

Propane sales will be provided by a local vendor on a weekly basis.  Sign up in the office.

STORE HOURS(Temporary unavailable)

Store hours- Temporary Closed. Under construction due to Hurricane Ian.


Pool is open from dawn to dusk or as posted.  Pool is heated in the winter and cooled in the summer.


To cancel a reservation please contact us by calling 800-562-8505. We do not take cancellations via voice mail or emails.
When making a reservation this guarantees you a site at the Resort. Actual sites are assigned upon arrival. We do not reserve specific sites.
Rates are subject to change.  Cancellations for monthly stays require 60 days notice.  A $25 cancellation fee will be applied.


All visitors must check-in at the office.  All visitors must exit the campground by 10:00 PM


UPS and FedEx will deliver to your site.  Please make sure to have your name, and site number on all packages.  US mail will be delivered to the office.


Medical Emergency call 911. Campground Emergency number is 239-283-2415.


Pets are not allowed at the cottages or tent sites.  Aggressive dogs of any breed are not welcome.  A 6' (six foot) leash rule is in effect whenever the animal is outside the owner's camping trailer.  Pets should not be left outside unattended or tied up.  No fences or playpens allowed.  Cats may not run loose.  Pets are not permitted in public buildings, including shower houses.  Pets should not be an annoyance (barking continually).  Please be courteous to your neighbors by only walking your pet in the area of the resort you are staying and always clean after your pet.  Customers may have common household pets such as dogs and cats.  No other animals, livestock, poultry, reptiles, insects or exotic pets are permitted.  Effective August 1, 2021:  To maintain a quality camping atmosphere for all campers, the site rate is inclusive of up to 2 dogs/site.  Additional dogs:  Stays of 27 nights or less:  $2.50/night/dog.  Extended Stays:  $25/month/dog.  The number of dogs is clarified at check in and charged at that time, not at the time of reservation.

Meet Your Hosts

Leave your watch behind, You're on "Island Time"!
