General Campground Information

Check In / CheckOut

Check In time for sites and cabins is 2:00 PM or later.  (Please call ahead for early check in.)  There is a $10 per hour Early Check In fee ($5 per half hour) once your site or cabin is available.
Check Out time for sites and cabins is 11:00 AM.  When you check in, you may also request a later check out time for campsites for up to 2 hours.  There is a $10 per hour Late Check Out fee ($5 per half hour).  Sorry, no late check outs are available for cabins.

Store Hours UPDATED

October 1 - October 31:
     Monday - Sunday 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Peak Season Hours (April 5 -September 30)

Monday - Sunday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Winter Season Hours (November 1- April 5):
Monday        9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Tuesday       9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Wednesday  9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Thursday     9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Friday           9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday     9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sunday        9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

After-hours Check-In for guests with reservations and envelopes with available campsites are located on the east (left) side of the KampStore in a big, yellow box.  Should you need to contact us during business hours, please call the KampStore.  For after-hours assistance, our On-Duty Staff is available to help.  

                                                                                    KampStore: 402.332.3010   On-Duty Staff:  402.954.0525 

Our Campsites

Maximum of 8 people per site, including any visitors you may have. RV sites are built to accommodate your camper and one vehicle.  Sorry, no tents are allowed on RV sites.  Tent sites are built to accommodate no more than 2 tents per site, and one vehicle. (From November - March, we have limited availability of campsites with water due to winterization requirements for the campground. Showers, restrooms, and laundry remain open year-round.) Electric Vehicles (EVs) may NOT be charged at campsite pedestals.

Pool and Other Amenities

The pool is open from Memorial Day through Labor Day from 10:00 AM until 8:00 PM (weather permitting)

REMINDER:  Nebraska state law requires anyone in the pool area to be 16 or older unless accompanied / monitored by an adult within the pool area. Swimwear only, please. 

The playground is open during the summer from 9:00 AM until 8:00 PM.   Bike Karts, and equipment checkout during the summer, is from 9:00 AM until 7:00 PM.  Hours will differ during other times of the year and depending on current weather and light conditions.
REMINDER:  Wristbands are available in the Kamp Store and are to be worn by children under the age of eighteen while playing and during activities.  All children must be accompanied / monitored by an adult, and have a signed Waiver on file in the office.

Number of people on a Site

Due to our size limitations, we can only allow a maximum of 8 people per site.

Visitor Policy

Visitors are welcome between the hours of 8:00 AM and 10:00 PM, and must check-in at the Kamp Store to purchase their hang tag.  Parking Fee is $10 per vehicle.  Extra vehicle parking is extremely limited.  All cars must have either a camping hang tag or visitor hang tag visible from the windshield.  Cars without a hang tag are subject to immediate tow. Absolutely No Parking on the grass or in the road.
REMINDER: There is a limit of 8 total people on any campsite or at any cabin including your visitors.

Quiet Hours

Quiet hours are between 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM. Please be respectful of other guests around you.

Meet Your Hosts

We love the beauty of our tree-covered campground and its convenience to all the local attractions.

We love the charm and beauty of our tree-covered campground where every camper has the opportunity to become one of the family.  With the array of amenities here in the park, our proximity to all the interesting, unique local attractions, and our friendly, knowledgeable staff, we know you're going to appreciate this special place as much as we do.  We look forward to having you visit and explore everything we have to offer!  Happy Camping!