9 Hacks to Make Packing for a Camping Trip Easier

9 Hacks to Make Packing for a Camping Trip Easier

Successful camping trips all have one thing in common and it isn’t perfect weather. It’s campers who packed well. On normal vacations, where you’re staying with relatives or at a hotel, you can borrow anything you forgot or drive to the nearest Walmart and buy a replacement. But when you’re camping it’s harder to get by on the fly (unless you’re staying at a KOA with a camp store). That’s why it pays to be a good packer, or at the very least, to have some sort of strategy. Perhaps you start packing a week before your departure date, or maybe you never unpack, so you never have to pack. If you don’t already have a fool-proof packing system in place, don’t worry. Whether you’re an RVer or a tent camper, here are nine tips for packing for camping trips. 

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