General Campground Information

Open and Close dates

Park opens April 11, 2025 and Closes October 6, 2025

Check in hours

The Welcome Center is open from 8am - 8pm 7 days a week.   Anyone checking in after closing hours will be required to park in an overflow area and be taken to their site the next morning.

Store Hours

Store is open 12pm-5pm Sunday through Saturday

Approved vehicles

We only allow RVIA approved RV's in our RV sites.  You must have a tent or similar on our tent sites.  No sleeping in vans, cars, utility trailers, and such.  Must be a camping approved accommodation. No converted mini vans, buses, cargo vans or similar converted items.

Mail Delivery Policy

The Welcome Center will accept  prescription medication for no charge and emergency RV parts at a $5.00 per package charge. A package form must be filled out prior to delivery.  Please have all general mail sent to :
General Delivery
Newport Post Office
Newport, WA 99156

Site Capacity

Sites are limited to 8 people per site.

Visitor Policy

If you are having guests here's what you need to know!
You are limited to 8 people per site including any visiting guests.  All guests must be pre-registered.   Visiting guests are subject to a $10.00 per car per day.  All guests must register at the Welcome center before entering the park.

Pool Hours

The pool is open from 8:30am-8:00pm
call park for current hours
closes 9/12/2023

Campground Rules

We love having children with their bicycles.  We do ask that parents supervise their young children and ask them not to ride on the county road for their safety.

Vehicle washing is not allowed in the park.

Pet washing is not allowed in the restrooms.

The park does have a 5mph speed limit.  Please do not be upset if you are asked to slow down.

Campfires are great but please keep them at a reasonable size and do not leave them unattended.

We love dogs and cats!  Please keep all your pets on a leash ( no more than 6') and contained at your site.  Aggression or incessant barking is not accepted and may result in removal from the park.

Check-in and out times

Check-in is 12 p.m. (noon). Check-out is 12 p.m. (noon) for campsites.  Rental accommodations are in at 4:00p.m. and out at 11a.m.