Winter Camping

Many people, when they hear the two words 'winter' and 'camping' together in the same sentence, think that it is not possible! But winter camping can be very fun. Here in Lethbridge, our winter climate is fairly temperate. This means that we do get the -30C temperatures, BUT if you are prepared, you can do some winter camping.

There are many things to think about when you winter camp. First, you need to determine what rating your RV has. There are RVs out there that are "all season," and then there are the RV packages that are "Arctic" or "Polar" and these RVs are built to do winter camping.

If you are going out for only a few days, you may wish to keep your RV winterized and just use the facilities that we have here in the campground. OR we do have limited sites that have full hookups with heat-traced water lines and 50amp electric and sewer available. Many of these sites have folks that are staying for more than just a few days. These folks will skirt up their RV to keep the underbelly of the RV warm and they will purchase heated water hoses, etc. If staying on an extended stay, you may also rent large 400lb propane tanks to assist in keeping your RV warm.  When the weather gets below -15C, a 30lb standard propane tank may not always keep you warm enough, due to the liquids ability to change to a gas. However, there are many things that can be done to keep you warm inside your RV. This includes running space heaters, etc.

The best advice that we give is don't let winter scare you away from camping- just do your research and determine what you will need to think about with regard to using your RV in the winter months. There are lots of YouTube videos and advice out there for various kinds of RVs and camping in winter!

Hope to see you this winter!

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