Breakfast Tortilla Bake

Breakfast Tortilla Bake

Try this sweet tortilla bake for an easy brunch! Take flour tortilla shells, plus your favorite spread and stuffings then bake to gooey perfection. Fresh strawberry bananas N cream with maple drizzle is our winner!

First, open a tortilla shell and spread thin layers as follows:  
Layer 1 - Cream cheese or nondairy spread
Layer 2 - Any nut butter, (Can’t go wrong with the OG peanut butter)
Layer 3 - Sliced fresh fruit like bananas, strawberries, blueberries, apples, peaches...yeah, you get IT!
Layer 4 - Drizzle honey, maple syrup, or go on wit' your bad self and get crazy with chocolate syrup

Sprinkle granola or oatmeal for extra crunch!

Next carefully fold your shell in half and repeat the layers above. Now for the tricky part - fold that tasty tortilla again so that you have a quarter. 

Using a greased round cake pan, arrange those quarters to make a happy whole. You can repeat and assemble all the same flavors or mix up each quarter! 

Brush melted butter on top of the tortillas to get a golden flake on top.

Cover with foil and bake on 350 for 30 minutes; then brush top with more butter and bake 15 minutes without the foil. Hey, you can use coconut oil instead of butter. We love experimenting in the kitchen and think you should make it your own! 

Dust with cinnamon powdered sugar and garnish with sliced fruit.

Now we’re going to throw some varieties your way. Take ‘em, leave ‘em, or make ‘em your own!  After you assemble each quarter, dip it in a prepared egg wash mixture to make French toast out of it! Yes, that's right! You may also want to prepare a second SAVORY tortilla bake with shredded cheese, peppers, onions, your fav protein and a drizzle of hot sauce. 

For the sweeties - mix it up with raisins, apple butter, fluff, nutella or vegan cheese. Experiment with white, wheat, corn, or spinach tortillas. The possibilities are endless.

How will you craft your Tortilla Breakfast Bake? 

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