Creative Campfire meals

Creative Campfire meals

I know cooking can be daunting at any point and time, and going camping those meals can get monotonous. You don't always want a burger or a hot dog and ordering pizza is more a cool winters eve thing.  So I was looking around trying to find some cool and innovative easy meals.  

I decided, hey, why not post some of these delicious meals I have found, so the campers can share them.  So here we go!!

Corn and Tomato Gnocchi Foil Packs

Prep time 10 minutes

Total time 30 minutes

Makes 4 packs


1 lb store bough gnocchi uncooked

3 cups of frozen corn 

2 cups of cherry tomatoes

1/4 cup of butter cut into cubes 

4 cloves of garlic


red pepper flakes

3/4 cup dry white wine such as sauvignon blanc

1/4 cup finely chopped fresh basil

grated parmesan for serving 

freshly ground black pepper


Preheat the grill to med-high and cut 4 pieces of foil about 12 inches long

Divide the gnocchi, corn, tomatoes, garlic and butter evenly between the 4 packages and season with the salt, a pinch of red pepper flakes and drizzle with the white wine.

Completely seal the foil the packets. 

Place the foil packets on the grill until the tomatoes burst and the gnocchi is cooked through. This takes about 15-20 minutes.  Sprinkle each package with a generous amount of parmesan and cracked black pepper.

Options you could consider:

Add some olives and feta cheese

Add some cumin and montrey jack

Make it your own and enjoy by the fire!

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