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The Most Beautiful Water Falls Near Williamsport KOA

The Most Beautiful Water Falls Near Williamsport KOA

When traveling to Pennsylvania, one of the highlights of a visit to this area is a day out at the waterfalls of Miners Run. There are so many great opportunities in this state to reconnect with nature, which is something we all need more than ever before in this day and age. To help you plan your time here, we’ve put together our complete guide to Miners Run. We’ll share how to get here and our top tips for making the most of your visit to these beautiful waterfalls.

Where is Miners Run Located?

Miners Run is located within Loyalsock State Forest and the McIntyre Wild Area, which are both stunning areas of nature just outside Williamsport. You’ll want to travel to Ralston, which is about 30 minutes north of Williamsport to experience the waterfalls and forests this area is so well known for. While there are plenty of trails and ways to spend your time outdoors here, Miners Run is our favorite by far. During your time here, you’ll experience at least seven different waterfalls, which is why it appeals to travelers of all ages.

Six of the waterfalls can be found on the trail that is located on Rock Run Road, and they are just a short distance from the road you’ll travel here on. You don’t have to be an experienced hiker to appreciate this adventure, but you will need to be ready to hike off-trail. You’ll walk directly along the creek, which luckily is quite shallow even during the times of high water. Make sure you wear suitable clothes and hiking boots or sneakers, as you’ll need to have good grip underfoot, especially if it’s been raining recently.

Approaching the Waterfalls

Once you’ve parked your vehicle, it’s time to head off and explore the waterfalls of Miners Run. From Rock Run Road, you can see the first waterfall already, and the path is well trodden at this time. For those in your travel party who can’t walk too far, this 12-ft waterfall is worth seeing as it doesn’t require you to take too many steps to reach it. After this, you will need to be willing to walk through the bushes or creek, and we recommend sticking to the creek path as much as possible. Keep in mind you can sometimes find snakes on the path here, so always be aware of where you are stepping.

The second waterfall that you get to on the route is also quite small, but it’s great for a quick stop and photo opportunity. In total, the trail lasts for less than half a mile, but many people are surprised to find it feels longer and a little more strenuous than expected. The uneven terrain means you need to be careful with every step that you take and you’ll often go a few minutes between seeing the waterfalls, even though they are closely packed together.

Exploring the Collection of Waterfalls at Miners Run

The third waterfall that you get to is one of the larger ones on the route, reaching about 25-ft high. This is where you’ll start to feel that this adventure was really worth it, and the two-tier waterfall is one of the most spectacular to see. So many people travel to this area and don’t realize this beautiful sight is hidden just a short walk from the road, but it’s one of our favorite attractions in the local area.

We encourage everyone who gets this far to continue on to the fifth waterfall on the Miners Run trail. It stands about 40-ft high, and is a fantastic sight to see and a great reward for your hiking. This is a very popular waterfall, with a lot of people stopping to get their photos and selfies here. The two tiers make it a spectacular waterfall, and you can stop here for a few minutes to enjoy the scenery before carrying on.

When Should You Visit the Waterfalls of Miners Run?

As you can probably tell by now, a visit to the waterfalls of Miners Run is best enjoyed on a warm and sunny day. Try to avoid a day where there’s been a lot of rain, as the trails can be more of a challenge and you’ll find yourself struggling to get grip on your hike. Make sure you come prepared with good shoes and waterproof clothing, so that you can continue the adventure no matter what happens during your day out.

The waterfalls of Miners Run are a hidden treasure that we encourage anyone to explore when visiting Pennsylvania. Our team will be here to recommend other great attractions for the whole family during your stay, and we can’t wait to welcome you to this beautiful part of the state in the near future.

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