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Embrace the Calm & Beauty of Autumn

Embrace the Calm & Beauty of Autumn

Labor Day or Columbus Day typically marks the unofficial end of the camping season for many outdoor enthusiasts. But here at the Watkins Glen/Corning KOA Resort, we challenge that notion. 

The Finger Lakes region is a hidden gem that truly shines during the fall months. As the leaves change and the air turns crisp, camping in the Finger Lakes becomes an entirely new and enchanting experience. Take the time to see why campers should continue camping after the unofficial ends of the camping season and discover why the Finger Lakes region is the perfect destination for a fall adventure.

 And maybe you will see that Labor Day, Columbus Day, or whatever your current end of camping season day shouldn’t be the end of the season, but the START of your Fall Camping Season.

Breathtaking Fall Foliage

One of the most compelling reasons to extend your camping season into the fall is the stunning display of fall foliage. The Finger Lakes region is renowned for its vibrant autumn colors. As the leaves on the trees transition from green to various shades of red, orange, and yellow, the landscapes become a true masterpiece. Camping in Watkins Glen/Corning KOA Resort during this time means waking up to breathtaking views and enjoying hikes through the vibrant forests.

Mild Weather

While summer camping can sometimes bring sweltering heat, fall camping in the Finger Lakes offers milder and more comfortable weather. The days are pleasantly warm, perfect for outdoor activities like hiking, biking, and fishing. The cooler evenings make campfires even more enjoyable, and you can cozy up in a warm sleeping bag without worrying about overheating.

Fewer Crowds

With the majority of campers packing up after Labor Day, fall campers get to experience the Finger Lakes in a more serene and peaceful setting. Campgrounds are less crowded, hiking trails are quieter, and you can enjoy the tranquility of the region without the hustle and bustle of summer crowds.

Seasonal Activities

Fall offers a unique set of activities that can enhance your camping experience. Apple picking, pumpkin patches, and corn mazes are in full swing during this season. The Finger Lakes region is also known for its wineries, and a fall wine tour is a fantastic way to spend a day. Plus, the local harvest means you can enjoy fresh, seasonal produce at nearby markets and restaurants.

Cozy Camping

Fall camping means you can break out the cozy sweaters, warm blankets, and mugs of hot cocoa. There's something special about sipping a warm drink by the campfire as you watch the stars twinkle in the crisp night sky. Embrace the season by bringing along your favorite fall comfort foods to cook over the campfire.

Labor Day and Columbus Day may mark the unofficial end of the camping season for many, but at Watkins Glen/Corning KOA Resort, we encourage campers to extend their season and experience the Finger Lakes region in all its autumn glory. With breathtaking fall foliage, mild weather, fewer crowds, seasonal activities, wildlife sightings, and the chance to cozy up by the campfire, there's no better time to explore the beauty of this region. So, pack your camping gear and head to the Finger Lakes for an unforgettable fall camping adventure. Your senses will thank you as you immerse yourself in the natural wonders of this remarkable destination.

Our season this year ends October 29th, 2023, make sure to Book your Autumn Vacation With us Now!

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